Xosé Rivera

Son un creativo medio gilipollas a cabalo entre a xenialidade e a vulgaridade; difícil pero necesario equilibrio, calquera dos dous extremos me volvería máis gilipollas.

Se queres contratar os meus servizos ou adquirir algunha das miñas obras completa este formulario e respondereiche de seguido.


I am an image and sound professional; I have 11 years of experience as a freelancer creating audiovisual projects to give solutions to companies and institutions in video and photography.

In parallel, I develop creative projects that I exhivit in galleries and museums.

Currículum Xosé Rivera

Author Archives: Xosé Rivera

Cafe con - Presentación da Exposición Beleza Oculta no Pazo do Carme

Hidden Beauty Exhibition

Galantiqua Arte promotes meetings and talks of artists that everyone can attend the events “Coffee with …”.

This time we chatted with David Salgueiro (Galantiqua Art), Rafael Arroyo (Photographer), Juan Monterroso (Professor of Art History at USC) at the presentation of the exhibition Hidden Beauty.

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Fotografía de Fume

Smoke photography

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Barack Obama is White

Barack Obama is white

Hitler was Jewish

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