Xosé Rivera

Son un creativo medio gilipollas a cabalo entre a xenialidade e a vulgaridade; difícil pero necesario equilibrio, calquera dos dous extremos me volvería máis gilipollas.

Se queres contratar os meus servizos ou adquirir algunha das miñas obras completa este formulario e respondereiche de seguido.


I am an image and sound professional; I have 11 years of experience as a freelancer creating audiovisual projects to give solutions to companies and institutions in video and photography.

In parallel, I develop creative projects that I exhivit in galleries and museums.

Currículum Xosé Rivera




The objective of this work is to portray a close and respectful way the lives and customs
forming the elderly and make our culture so that does not fade with the erosion of oblivion
and squeeze the moments of a culture codianos extinction culture labriegas our traditions,
fishing, farming and lifestyle reflected in the faces full of life experience and
our elders.
To achieve this end in Galicia walk the búsuqeda of those people and those times;
by living and own experience of years doing this work will achieve a file
photographic and artistic lives that brought us to our own, to our present way of life of our
older and themselves.
The project is inspired by the works of great photographers like Jose Caruncho national, Virxilio
Vieitez, Carlos Valcarcel, Raniero Fdez, Pedro Ferrer, Catalan Pelai But the Argentine Humberto
Rivas, American Ruth Matilda Anderson who portrayed the soul of Galicia since the beginning of art
Photographic and other precursors internacionais as Paul Strand, Diane Arbus, Cartier-Bresson
so they got with the social photography show with a face the feelings and life of a people and a
moment, for there is nothing more expressive for a person’s face and the look of another.



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